2016년 미술유학 합격을 축하합니다!!! (30명 지원 30명 전원합격)
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2016학년도 미술유학 합격자 발표
홍대캠퍼스15명 + 강남캠퍼스15명 전원합격!!!
< 미국 20명+영국6명+캐나다 1명+싱가폴 3명>
미국미술대학 학부 전원 장학생합격!!!
George Washington University Art Therapy (MFA)
조훈희(한예종 영상과졸)
Washington State University Apparel Merchandising Design and Textiles (MA)
FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) Fashion Business Management
심효진(국민대 패션디자인과졸)
Parsons The New School for Design Design and Technology (MFA)
김미성(홍익대학교 시각디자인과졸)
Alfred University Illustration $13,500/year 75학점save
박정민(명지대 미술사학과졸)
SCAD(Savannah College of Art & Design) Motion Graphic $15,000/year (4 YearTotal $60,000)
SAIC (School of art institute of Chicago) Film & Animation $ 5,000/year (재학기간 동안 갱신)
Ringling College of Art and Design Motion Graphic $10,000/year (4 Year Total $40,000)
조해리(성신여대 산업디자인2)
Ringling College of Art and Design Computer Animation $10,000/year (재학기간 동안 갱신)
SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) Animation $ 7,500/Year (재학기간 동안 갱신)
OTIS Toy Design $12,000/year (4 Year Total $48,000)
SMFA (School of the Museum of Fine Art) BFA $14,000/year (4 Year Total $56,000)
OTIS Graphic Design $12,000/year (4 Year Total $48,000)
Ringling College of Art and Design Graphic Design $10,000/year (4 Year Total $40,000)
CCS (College for Creative Studies) Graphic Design $ 8,000/year (4 Year Total $32,000)
FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) Communication Design Foundation
CCA (California College of Art) Graphic Design
SAIC (School of art institute of Chicago) Visual Communication Design
손재호(국민대 역사학과1)
MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art) Graphic Design $10,500/year (4 Year Total $42,000)
RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) Graphic Design $16,000/year (4 Year Total $64,000)
Ringling College of Art and Design Graphic Design
MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art) Graphic Design $ 7,000/year (4 Year Total $28,000)
RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) Graphic Design $14,000/year (4 Year Total $56,000)
SMFA (School of the Museum of Fine Art) BFA $14,000/year (4 Year Total $56,000)
University of the Art Graphic Design $14,000/year (4 Year Total $56,000)
Art Center Illustration
Ringling College of Art and Design Computer Animation $10,000/year (4 Year Total $40,000)
Art Center Animation $ 7,000/year (4 Year Total$28,000)
박윤경(연세대 영문과3)
Parsons The New School for Design Illustration $10,000/year (4 Year Total $40,000)
Syracuse University Illustration+ESL
VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University) Art Foundation
SVA (School of Visual Arts) Studio+ESL
University of the Art Illustration $14,000/year (4 Year Total $56,000)
SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) Illustration $13,000/year (4 Year Total $52,000)
Parsons The New School for Design Design+ESL
FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) Illustration
CCA (California College of Art) Illustration
SVA (School of Visual Arts) Studio+ESL
OTIS Illustration+ESL
(Maryland Institute College of Art) Illustration
$10,500/year (4
Year Total $42,000)
(Savannah College of Art & Design) Illustration $ 6,000/Year (재학기간 동안 갱신)
Parsons The New
School for Design Design+ESL
FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) Illustration
(School of Visual Arts) Illustration
SAIC (School of art institute of Chicago) Visual
Communication Design
OTIS Graphic
Design $15,000/year (4 Year
Total $60,000)
SCAD(Savannah College of Art & Design) Graphic
Design $13,000/year (4 Year
Total $52,000)
University of the Art Graphic Design $14,000/year (4 Year Total $56,000)
Parsons The New
School for Design Design+ESL
FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) Communication Design
CCA (California College of Art) Graphic Design
(School of Visual Arts) Studio+ESL
FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) Fashion Design
CCA (California College of Art) Fashion
Design $11,000/year
(4 Year Total $44,000)
SAIC (School of art institute of Chicago) Fashion Design $ 5,000/year (4 Year Total $21,000)
SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) Fashion Design $ 9,000/year (4 Year Total $36,000)
Pratt Institute MWP Fine Arts $12,000/year (4 Year Total $48,000)
FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) Accessory Design
Pratt Institute Fashion Design
SAIC (School of art institute of Chicago) Fashion
Design $ 5,000/year (재학기간 동안 갱신)
SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) Fashion Design $4,000/year (재학기간 동안 갱신)
Pratt Institute Fashion
Design +15학점save
OTIS Fashion
허다희(서울여대 패션디자인2)
SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) Graphic Design$13,000/year (4 Year Total $52,000)
MICA (Maryland Institute College Art) Graphic Design$ 8,000/year (4 Year Total $32,000)
RIT Graphic Design
SVA (School of Visual Arts) Studio+ESL
RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) Jewelry Design $16,000/year (4 Year Total $64,000)
SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) Jewely Design
류 연
SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) Animation $ 6,500/year(4 Year Total $26,000)
임성재(무사시노 공예2)
OTIS(USA) Product Design+ESL $14,000/year (4 Year Total $56,000)
CCS Transportation Design $ 8,000/year (4 Year Total $32,000)
Coventry Foundation
Kingston Foundation
SCAD(Savannah College of Art & Design)Production Design $7,500/Year (4 Year Total 30,000)
UAL-(Chelsea/Camberwell/Wimbledom) Foundation
Kingston Foundation
Goldsmiths University of London
SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) Fashion Design $9,500/year (재학기간 동안 갱신)
LCF(London college of fashion) International Preparation for Fashion
RCA (Royal College of Arts) Printmaking (MFA)
Chelsea Painting (MFA)
LCF(London college of fashion) BA(hons) Fashion design Technology:
UAL-(Chelsea/Camberwell/Wimbledom) Foundation
Glasgow School of art & design Foundation
Emily Carr Painting
Sheridan Illustratio
OCAD (Ontario College of Art and Design) Drawing & Painting
Concordia University Painting +27학점save
Lasalle College of
Arts Interior Design Tuition Grant
Lasalle College of
Arts Product Design Tuition Grant
Lasalle College of
Arts Fashion Design Tuition Grant
1. 개인정보의 수집․이용 목적 :
학원 성과를 공개하여, 정확한 정보를 통해 올바른 진학지도를 위한 자료로 사용하며 대학 합격생에 한하여 이용한다.
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아트델리블로그 https://blog.naver.com/artdeli 아트델리카페 https://cafe.naver.com/artdeli 아트델리 홍보물
2. 수집.이용하는 개인정보의 항목 : 성명, 출신학교, 합격한 대학
3. 개인정보의 보유 및 이용 기간 : 수집일로부터 보유하고 당사자 요청시 바로 삭제해 드립니다.