2015년 미술유학 합격을 축하합니다!!! (20명 지원 20명 전원합격)
[아트델리 15기]
2015학년도 미술유학 합격자 발표
20명지원 20명 전원합격!!!
미국미술대학 학부지원자 전원 장학생합격!!!
Parsons-Fashion design ( 4년 전액장학생-4년장학금 $165,100 )
CCA(California College of the Arts)-Fashion design-Fashion design(4년 장학금 $72,000)
[CCA Creative Achievement Award, issued at $18,000 per year]
OTIS- Fashion design (4년장학금 $71,100)
SCAD(Savannah College of Art and Design)-Fashion design(4년장학금 $20,000)
Mass art(Massachusetts college of art & design)-Fashion design(4년 장학금 $60,000)
F.I.T-Fashion Merchandising
Parsons-Interior design ( 4년 전액장학생 $171,100 )
CCA(California College of the Arts)-Interior design(4년 전액장학금 $166,300)
Pratt Institute-Interior design(4년 장학금 $60,000)
[Presidential Merit-Based Scholarship in the amount of $15,000 per year]
NYSID(New York School of Interior Design)-Interior design(4년 장학금 $40,000)
RISD(Rhode Island School of Design)-Interior design
MICA(Maryland Institute College of Art)-Painting (4년장학금 $72,000)
SAIC (School of art institute of Chicago)-Painting(4년장학금 $63,000)
[SAIC Creative Honors Scholarship]
VCU(Virginia Commonwealth University)-Painting(4년장학금 $32,000)
SVA(School of Visual Arts)-Painting
정서일( 경북대 체육과1)
Pratt Institute-Animation(4년장학금 $72,000)
[International Merit-Based Scholarship in the amount of $18000 per year]
SVA (School of Visual Arts)-Computer Animation (4년장학금 $60,000)
Ringling College of Art and Design-Animation (4년 장학금 $24,000)
MICA(Maryland Institute College of Art)-Animation (4년 장학금 $58,000)
[Presidential+Starr Foundation+Trustee Scholarship]
Art Center College of Design-Illustration(Animation)
CCA(California College of Art)-Animation
SVA (School of Visual Arts)-Graphic design (4년장학금 $60,000)
[Silas H. Rhodes Scholarship in the amount of $15,000 per year]
SAIC(School of art Institute of Chicaco)-Graphic design(편입 save36+4년장학금 $16,000)
Parsons-Graphic design (편입save 39 + 4년 장학금 $32,000 )
문석경(ST. John's Univer1)
Ringling College of Art and Design-Animation (4년장학금 $40,000)
[ Dean's Scholarsship in the amount of $ 10,000 per year]
CalArts(California Institute of the Arts)-Experimental Animation
Pratt Institute-Animation
최혜진(건국대 식품과학부1-1)
SVA(School of Visual Arts)-Graphic design(편입save 33학점)
오예슬(연세대 경영학과졸)
SCAD(Savannah College of Art and Design)-Fashion design(4년 장학금 $64,000)
OTIS-Fashion design (4년 장학금 $48,000)오한올(고졸)
SCAD(Savannah College of Art and Design)-Fashion design(4년 장학금 $62,000)
OCAD(Ontario College of Art and Design)-Material Art & Design
OTIS-Fashion design
우현정(가톨릭대 영문과1)
SCAD(Savannah College of Art and Design)-Animation (4년장학금 $60,000)
UARTS-Animation (4년장학금 $32,000)
SCAD(Savannah College of Art and Design)-Fashion design(4년 장학금 $58,000)
SCAD(Savannah College of Art and Design)-Painting(4년장학금 $56,000)
RIT(Rochester Institute of Technology)-Fine art(4년장학금 $40,000)
SAIC (School of art institute of Chicago)-Painting
SCAD(Savannah College of Art & Design)-Graphic design(4년장학금 $ 22,000 + 편입 25학점 save)
김도영(한양여대 시디2)
SCAD(Savannah College of Art and Design)-Illustration(4년 장학금 $8,000)
SVA(School of Visual Arts)-Illustration
VCU(Virginia Commonwealth University)-Illustration
University of the Art-Illustration
OTIS- Graphic design (4년장학금 $48,000)
SCAD(Savannah College of Art and Design)-Graphic design
Goldsmiths University of London-Painting(FT BA ART-EXTENSION DEGREE))
Central Saint Martins-Painting (BA DEGREE)
LCF(London college of fashion)-Fashion Design Technology: Menswear
International Preparation for Fashion (Certificate in Higher Education)
LCF(London college of fashion)-Fashion Styling and Production
International Preparation for Fashion (Certificate in Higher Education)
Goldsmiths University of London-Design/ IFC
Chelsea/Camberwell/Wimbledom-Production design/Foundation
Glasgow School of Art-art & design/Foundation
1. 개인정보의 수집․이용 목적 :
학원 성과를 공개하여, 정확한 정보를 통해 올바른 진학지도를 위한 자료로 사용하며 대학 합격생에 한하여 이용한다.
아트델리홈페이지 www.artdeli.co.kr / 아트델리인스타그램 https://www.instagram.com/artdeliinstitute/
아트델리블로그 https://blog.naver.com/artdeli 아트델리카페 https://cafe.naver.com/artdeli 아트델리 홍보물
2. 수집.이용하는 개인정보의 항목 : 성명, 출신학교, 합격한 대학
3. 개인정보의 보유 및 이용 기간 : 수집일로부터 보유하고 당사자 요청시 바로 삭제해 드립니다.