해외 명문 미술대학 학과별 안내 / Illustration



Illustration reflects the changing art and design landscape. Students will focus on illustrative approaches to communicating ideas and explore pictorial strategies that span across the territories, histories and disciplines of commercial illustration where drawing, painting and design have always been interconnected.

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Art Center College of Design Pasadena, CA

California College of the Arts San Francisco, CA

College of Creative Studies Detroit, MI

Fashion Institute of Technology New York, NY

Maryland Institute of College of Art Balimore, MD

Massachusetts College of Art & Design Boston, MA

Parsons the New School for Design New York, NY

Pratt institute Brooklyn, NY

Rhode Island School of Design Providence, RI

Rochester Institute of Technology Henrietta, NY

Savannah College of Art & Design Savannah, GA

School of Visual Arts New York, NY

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Emily Carr University of Art & Design Vancouver, British Columbia

OCAD University Toronto, Ontario

Sheridan College Oakville, Ontario

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Bournemouth, Arts University College Poole, Dorset

Kingston University Kingston, London

London College of Communication London

London College of Fashion London

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Konstfack University College of Art Stockholm, Sweden

Universitat der Kunste Berlin UDK Berlin, Germany

아트델리 합격생

Alfred University                                      Illustration        $13,500/year 75학점save        

박정민(명지대 미술사학과졸)

Parsons The New School for Design         Illustration       $10,000/year (4 Year Total $40,000)

Syracuse University                                              Illustration+ESL

VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University)               Art Foundation

SVA (School of Visual Arts)                                   Studio+ESL                                                              


MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art)       Illustration     $10,500/year (4 Year Total $42,000)

SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design)    Illustration     $ 6,000/Year (재학기간 동안 갱신)    

Parsons The New School for Design                      Design+ESL

FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology)                       Illustration

SVA (School of Visual Arts)                                     Illustration

SAIC (School of art institute of Chicago)                  Visual Communication Design    


     University of the Art                                  Illustration      $14,000/year (4 Year Total $56,000)

SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design)   Illustration      $13,000/year (4 Year Total $52,000)

Parsons The New School for Design                     Design+ESL

FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology)                      Illustration

CCA (California College of Art)                                Illustration          

SVA (School of Visual Arts)                                    Studio+ESL

OTIS                                                                       Illustration+ESL                                                       


Art Center – Illustration (Transfer) 2학기save 3학기편입

Cleveland Institute of Art            (편입) 매년 장학금$12,000
R IT –Medical Illustration   (2학년편입 매년장학금$7,000

FIT/Illustration (MFA 대학원)

임화연(한예종 미디어아트졸업)


RISD(Rhode Island school of design)-Illustration

S.V.A(School of Visul Arts)-Illustration

Pratt-Illustration 장학금 $68,000

Cal Arts(California of the art) - Illustration 장학금 $44,000

MICA(Maryland Institute College of Art)-Illustration 장학금 $128,000

SCAD(Savannah College od Art & Design)-Illustration 장학금 $52,000


S.V.A(School of Visul Arts)-Illustration


Art Center – Illustration


Art Center – Illustration (편입)

Cal Arts(California of the art)- Illustration (편입)

SCAD(Savannah College od Art & Design)-Illustration 장학금 매년$10,000


MICA(Maryland Institute College of Art)


Kingstone University-Illustration(MA과정)


Kingstone University-Illustration

The Art University Cillege at Bournemouth-Illustration

Designed by hikaru100

abcXYZ, 세종대왕,1234

abcXYZ, 세종대왕,1234

abcXYZ, 세종대왕,1234

abcXYZ, 세종대왕,1234

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